第二日,和幾個同學到了羅浮宮,這個世界第一的博物館,又一次大開眼界! 不用多說,我們第一時間去一睹 Mona Lisa,場面可真誇張,最少有三四十人圍著它,而且要離開它四米來看。其實真的看得不過癮,只可以叫做,我看過了。而羅浮宮收藏品九成都是古典作品,最震撼的是那些巨大的油畫,有些是大到有九米,十米高,對像多數都是宗教。我沒有細看當中的人物和歷史等,但當這等數量加上這種巨大尺寸,真的令人目等口呆。我但願我有多些時間可以細味這個博物館。
第三日,我們到Centre National de Danse www.cnd.fr,那裡可能是舞蹈家們的天堂,有一個說不上很大資料館,但當中卻有各式各樣的有關舞蹈的東西,由VHS, DVD, 雜誌,書本等等都可以在那捚找到。大家在那兒一坐便是四個多小時。
第四日,我一個人走到"天使愛美麗"的公園,可惜遇上了落雪,公園關門,不準遊客進內。我從它旁邊的梯楷行上教堂,在教堂後便是那個印像巴黎中的畫家聖地,不過因為冬天的關係,沒有太多人在畫畫。但是還是有些畫家們在向遊客們畫肖像。之後我們在龐比渡中心集合,入場看了兩個Gallaries和一個Exhibition。我很喜歡那個Pierre Soulages的展覽,當中有幾句話我抄了下來,因為可能對我的Thesis有用:
It's what I do that teaches me what I'm looking for.
What is important above all is the reality of the painted canvas; the colour, the form and the material, which give birth to light and space, and to the dream that it bears.
I think I make painting so that those who look at them - myself, like everybody else - can find themselves, in front of them, alone with themselves.
The reality of a work is a three way relationship it establishes between the thing it is, the painter who made it, and the viewer who sees it.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
PAF - Performing Arts Forum
引至facebook的簡介 :
PAF (=PerformingArtsForum) is a place for the professional and not-yet professional practitioners and activists in the field of performing arts, visual art, new media and internet, theory and cultural production, who seek to research and determine their own conditions of work. PAF is for people who can motorize their own artistic production and knowledge production not only responding to the opportunities given by the institutional market.
Initiated and run by artists, theoreticians and practitioners themselves, PAF is a user-created, user-innovative informal institution. Neither a production-house and venue, nor a research-center, it is a platform for everyone who wants to expand possibilities and interests in his/her own working practice.
PAF is
- a forum for producing knowledge in critical exchange and ongoing discursive practice
- a place for temporary autonomy and full concentration on work
- a tool-machine where one can work on developing methods, tools and procedures, not necessarily driven toward a product
- a place for experimenting with other than known modes of production and organization of work, e.g. open source production
Most importantly, PAF offers all these possibilities without imposing them. In other words, PAF depends on how you affect and are affected by taking an active part in shaping your own activity in your workplace.
more info on: www.pa-f.net
第二日,經過一點似明非明的講解後,就知道此行是Being Aude in PAF。
Aude是一位虛構人物 ,由之前一組名為"Various Arists"人建立的。他們為她虛構了她的出生,什麼年發生過什麼事,看過什麼書,有什麼藝術作品,去過那些地方等等,等等。
我們來這裡就是為了......Being Aude。
首先第一件事是......穿上婚紗...... ...... ......你看到我的點點,就可想而知我的心情或心理狀況是怎樣的。不過我的心情不重要。
首先,我們玩公仔,Aude會用一些媽媽的舊衫去重新"處理"她的公仔。於是Being Aude的我們就在他們準備好的材料中重做一個Aude公仔。
再學她的唇膏Hand Cream畫畫法,是這樣的,首先用Hand Cream塗上雜誌上,而Aude喜歡塗在那些model head shot相。等一會,再加上唇膏。然後用手指"猝",這樣雜誌上的印墨會被猝開(雜誌越新越好),就這樣,自由發揮,猝猝猝...猝 ...猝......
回故一下,其實內容都算有趣。不過 How to make someone "be" someone else is never a easy job 老實說他們做得不好,有時實在令我們摸不著頭腦,不過他們也很開放,也不介意我們怎樣反應。就有點鬧著玩過了三日。
引至facebook的簡介 :
PAF (=PerformingArtsForum) is a place for the professional and not-yet professional practitioners and activists in the field of performing arts, visual art, new media and internet, theory and cultural production, who seek to research and determine their own conditions of work. PAF is for people who can motorize their own artistic production and knowledge production not only responding to the opportunities given by the institutional market.
Initiated and run by artists, theoreticians and practitioners themselves, PAF is a user-created, user-innovative informal institution. Neither a production-house and venue, nor a research-center, it is a platform for everyone who wants to expand possibilities and interests in his/her own working practice.
PAF is
- a forum for producing knowledge in critical exchange and ongoing discursive practice
- a place for temporary autonomy and full concentration on work
- a tool-machine where one can work on developing methods, tools and procedures, not necessarily driven toward a product
- a place for experimenting with other than known modes of production and organization of work, e.g. open source production
Most importantly, PAF offers all these possibilities without imposing them. In other words, PAF depends on how you affect and are affected by taking an active part in shaping your own activity in your workplace.
more info on: www.pa-f.net
第二日,經過一點似明非明的講解後,就知道此行是Being Aude in PAF。
Aude是一位虛構人物 ,由之前一組名為"Various Arists"人建立的。他們為她虛構了她的出生,什麼年發生過什麼事,看過什麼書,有什麼藝術作品,去過那些地方等等,等等。
我們來這裡就是為了......Being Aude。
首先第一件事是......穿上婚紗...... ...... ......你看到我的點點,就可想而知我的心情或心理狀況是怎樣的。不過我的心情不重要。
首先,我們玩公仔,Aude會用一些媽媽的舊衫去重新"處理"她的公仔。於是Being Aude的我們就在他們準備好的材料中重做一個Aude公仔。
再學她的唇膏Hand Cream畫畫法,是這樣的,首先用Hand Cream塗上雜誌上,而Aude喜歡塗在那些model head shot相。等一會,再加上唇膏。然後用手指"猝",這樣雜誌上的印墨會被猝開(雜誌越新越好),就這樣,自由發揮,猝猝猝...猝 ...猝......
回故一下,其實內容都算有趣。不過 How to make someone "be" someone else is never a easy job 老實說他們做得不好,有時實在令我們摸不著頭腦,不過他們也很開放,也不介意我們怎樣反應。就有點鬧著玩過了三日。
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
打從十一月中,學校的Fall Term便告一段落。日子空空的,十二月在studio試東西,總是找不到重心。
隨後一個人到希臘和斯洛文尼亞走走,希臘的古蹟是我一向嚮往的夢想地,如今終於能一睹它的壯麗! 很多朋友仔都問我為何會想去斯洛文尼亞,其實我對於這個地方並不清楚,只知道她從南斯拉夫獨立出來,還未受全球化影響,風景仍然漂亮,民風仍然純樸! 到了Bled和Bohinj兩個名湖,美得不能說話易容。又到了 Prejama Castle和Postojna Cave,壯觀得目定口呆!
話雖精彩,但那空空虛虛的感覺一路伴隨。可能有太多原因,未能令我完完全全放心旅遊。而旅遊一詞也令我有點內疚,我應該是來學習的,來自我反省的,不是來旅遊的。不過我也會找個借口給自己,經歷和見聞就是學習。對嗎? 還有錢的問題,錢一向都是我的問題,哈哈,多謝妹妹的支助,我欠你的太多了(我意思是錢:P)。
現在回到Brussels,回到和同學老師一起,感覺好多了。我們住在一個叫Nadine(一個機構的名字)的地方,一個巨大的空間,有睡房,客廳,廚房和最重要的Studio。睡不著可以到Studio排舞,哈!! Very nice. 這樣子實在很多。
二月中有個面試,心情平靜,"play charm" I hope I can! Bless me, my dear friends.
隨後一個人到希臘和斯洛文尼亞走走,希臘的古蹟是我一向嚮往的夢想地,如今終於能一睹它的壯麗! 很多朋友仔都問我為何會想去斯洛文尼亞,其實我對於這個地方並不清楚,只知道她從南斯拉夫獨立出來,還未受全球化影響,風景仍然漂亮,民風仍然純樸! 到了Bled和Bohinj兩個名湖,美得不能說話易容。又到了 Prejama Castle和Postojna Cave,壯觀得目定口呆!
話雖精彩,但那空空虛虛的感覺一路伴隨。可能有太多原因,未能令我完完全全放心旅遊。而旅遊一詞也令我有點內疚,我應該是來學習的,來自我反省的,不是來旅遊的。不過我也會找個借口給自己,經歷和見聞就是學習。對嗎? 還有錢的問題,錢一向都是我的問題,哈哈,多謝妹妹的支助,我欠你的太多了(我意思是錢:P)。
現在回到Brussels,回到和同學老師一起,感覺好多了。我們住在一個叫Nadine(一個機構的名字)的地方,一個巨大的空間,有睡房,客廳,廚房和最重要的Studio。睡不著可以到Studio排舞,哈!! Very nice. 這樣子實在很多。
二月中有個面試,心情平靜,"play charm" I hope I can! Bless me, my dear friends.
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