Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Research Paper

我的research paper是寫我的前老闆Willy Tsao 曹誠淵先生。寫他與中國現代舞發展的關係。


但為什麼我要選寫他呢? 事緣七月的ADF,他們頒獎給楊美琦作為她對中國舞蹈教育及發展的供獻。我當然認為她當之無愧,但可是,當她在演說時,她不但沒有多謝我的前老闆(Willy當年也可幫了她很多大忙。p.s.我知一點他們後來是不和的,所以ok,明白的!!),還要將美國人說得如何如何重要,好像比她的附出還多一樣,說到是沒有美國就沒有中國的現代舞。還要另一位我認識的ACC的成員(ACC亞州文化協會 ,由美國人辨的,目的是在推廣美國和亞州的文化交流,我當年也受過ACC的恩到美國ADF學習)說ACC的一名高官是中國的現代舞之父。





所以最後我決定,要在我正在就讀的Hollins MFA/ADF課程裡為我的前老闆留下一點聲音。也許以香港人對Willy的認識來說,我這份paper意義不大,但我希望我的美國同學老師可以更深入地認識我的前老闆Willy!!


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear from you finally. I have been a follower without subscribing to your blog for a year now, and your posts have always been an pleasant and interesting read. I never feel compelled to make a comment until I read this post.

I agree with you on almost all fronts on your perception, the reasons for your thesis and the loads of info you can gather, but I am concerned with the "how" and the "sensitivity" of your thesis. To put it differently, it is about "political correctness" when you need to speak to an American audience, the same reason you feel that someone isn't keeping the facts strict.

All I am saying is, be careful with how you present this piece. You may wander off to some dangerous water.

Wong Chun Bruce said...

Thank you so much for spending time reading my blog and your comment is very solid!

I have to say that, luckily my school, this program is a very special one. my professors are all very open-minded persons. i have talked to several teachers about this. they all support me about my paper, interestingly, even my american classmates are also agree with me and told me that i should do this paper!

hehe, and i already figure it out how to present it without stepping too hard on the their tail, and even supporting the core of my research. hehehe<-奸笑是也。